This cable is ideal for installation over extended length use in between studio racks, rooms etc.
Designed and built to work with the most demanding SDI signals, the new Neutrik BNC plugs are tested to 24GHz and the new Draka cable is made for 12G signals.
Red Weapon/Helium/Epic/Scarlet/Raven, Arri Alexa/Amira, Sony F5/F55, Panasonic Varicam LT, BMD, BlackMagic Design Ursa/Ursa mini Video Assist 4K etc.
All my cables are custom made by myself using care, experience and the right tools.
Precision cable stripping and cutting are essential for 3G, 6G and 12G terminations so all of my cables are stripped and cut using a CNC cable lathe made in Switzerland by Schleuniger.
For longer lengths, please see my other listings or just ask me.
Cable: Draka Ultra HD Pro 100 UHD
This cable has been designed and built for Ultra High Definition SDI video signals,
from the Draka spec sheet:
Designed for 12Gbit/s, 4K (SMPTE 2082), UHD,
also for Composite, Component, SDI, SDV, SDTI, HDTV (1080i, 720p, 1080p)
Connectors: Neutrik NBNC75BFG7X Rear Twist BNC Plug
This is the latest high performance connector from Neutrik
With Swiss antraloy plating
The rearTWIST UHD BNC connectors are specifically designed for high resolution video signal transmissions.
Due to the unique insulator and contact pin design, the connectors feature low return loss values for 4K and 8K signals.
Complete range of 10 colour coded rubber cable strain relief caps.
Optional PLIOTEX-Vplus cable identity markers; a colour coded numerical identity system
that is applied to both ends of the cable during manufacture, please let me know what numbers you require.
Draka Cable features & spec :
Electrical properties at 20°C
DC resistance Inner conductor 15 Ω/km
Outer conductor 9 Ω/km
Mutual capacitance 56 pF/m
Characteristic impedance 75 Ω
Velocity ratio 78 %
Screening factor ≥ 100 dB
Temperature range -30° to +75°C
Electrical data (nominal) at 20°C
Return loss
Frequency (MHz) Attenuation(dB)
50 – 300 ≥ 26
300 – 3000 ≥ 22
3000 – 3500 ≥ 18
3500 – 6000 ≥ 15
6000 – 12000 ≥ 15
Frequency (MHz) (dB/100m)
200 7.6
300 9.3
500 12.3
800 15.8
1000 17.4
1500 22.0
2000 25.6
3000 31.0
4000 38.0
5000 41.0
6000 44.7
9000 54.7
10000 57.7
12000 63.2
15000 70.7
Technical data
Product code 60055256
Weight 63 kg/km
Copper content 35
Tensile force 115N
Minimum Bending radius 70mm
Storage inside